Glossary of Terms


An organization or user.

Account Connection

A link between a UserHub account (e.g. user) and an external account (e.g. Auth0 user or Stripe Customer).

Admin API

A management API that allows admins of a tenant to manage accounts, subscriptions, and other tenant resources. You can think of this as the API version of the Admin Console.

See also the User API.

Admin Console

A management interface for your UserHub tenants.

This is where your team can provision, manage and monitor accounts, seats, subscriptions, plans, and more.

Billing Provider

A type of connection that provides the ability to view and manage products, prices, payment methods, invoices, and subscriptions.


An integration between a tenant and an external system (e.g. Stripe).


A representation of some type of interesting occurrence in UserHub (e.g. user.changed).


An invitation, task, or user request (e.g. request to join an organization).


A bill or statement.


A user that is part of an organization with a given role.


A long running background task.


A group account which can activate subscriptions and have members.

Payment Method

A credit card, bank account, or other source of payment.

UserHub never stores or transmits credit card or bank account numbers through our infrastructure. We use your configured billing provider to safely collect and store this data.


A set of billing rules for a subscription, including products, prices, currency, and billing cycle.

Plan Group

A collection of plans with the same feature set but varying prices and billing cycles (e.g. monthly, yearly).

You can think of a plan group as a tier (e.g. Pro or Enterprise).


A drop-in account management portal that allows your customers to self-manage billing information, subscriptions, and seats.

See the Portal section for more information.


A pricing rule for how a product is billed.


A packaged collection of entitlements you offer your customers (e.g. Basic Plan or Pro Seat).

Product Connection

A link between a UserHub product and an external product (e.g. Stripe Product).


A named collection of permissions that specify what a user is allowed to do within an organization.

You can think of UserHub roles as a billing role. There is no expectation that you use them in your application.


A license that can be assigned to members of an organization. It is represented as a product in UserHub.


An activated plan which is associated with an account.


A logically-isolated group of accounts, products, plans, and subscriptions.

Tenant Mode

The environment of the tenant. This value can't be changed after the tenant is created.

  • Production mode - tenant is used by real customers.
  • Staging mode - tenant is used for QA or as part of a staging environment.
  • Development mode - tenant is used in a local or development environment. It is expected that connections and webhooks will be offline most of the time. Most background and scheduled tasks are not automatically run.


An individual account which can activate subscriptions and be a member of an organization.

User API

An API that allows tenant applications to make requests on behalf of users. You can think of this as the API version of the Portal.

See also the Admin API.

User Provider

A type of connection which can be used to keep UserHub users in sync with an external identity provider.

Currently available connections:

PreviousCallback Handler
NextAdmin API

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